Dating an Orthodox Catholic Girl was a Top Priority
Seth J. DeMoor
Founder & Video Missionary in USA
Dating Strong Catholics
Pure in Heart Boston taught this young man the true meaning of dating.
Posted on: 18th April 2012
BOSTON, MA, USA — By God’s grace, this mission is often blessed to travel across this great nation in pursuit of the ‘one billion Catholic stories.’ During those travels, the opportunity to encounter apostolates within the Catholic faith often arise. These encounters are filled with grace. Why? Because of people like the gentleman in today’s video below. Click play and listen to this three minute story. You will understand why ‘dating an orthodox Catholic’ is so important for his life, and for the younger generation of Catholics who continue to make an impact on the culture.
Today’s Story
This impact is not pushed upon anyone, but rather presented in a respectful and genuine presentation. How does our team know that? Because we film stories like today’s all of the time during our travels. Simply by living his life, Brian exudes the spirit of the ‘JPII generation‘ that so often gets attention during these times. Imagine if your grandson, son, or nephew came to you with the simple question, “do you know any orthodox Catholic girls who might be looking for a date?” Those words are unprecedented amongst most young Catholic men, but Brian understands the importance of orthodox Catholicism. He understands that for him to truly experience inner joy and peace in his life, he must share it with a lady who wants the same.
By the end of his story it is clear that there is a new generation of Catholic men, ready to fight for the hearts of orthodox Catholic ladies, not just your everyday Sunday goers either. The JPII generation has been bombarded so badly with a secular message on relationships, faith, and marriage that they are running in the other direction. Why? This generation has often experienced the struggles within their own families, especially in the case of divorce. Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice everything to find that perfect match, with their orthodoxy as the top criterion. Our team loves this story because it displays so well ‘living in the world, but not being of the world.’ Dating, such a mystery to many Catholic men, let us pray today for more young men to return to the purity of orthodox Catholic dating. Contributor - Seth J. DeMoor
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Readings for 18th April 2012
First: Acts 5:17-26
Psalm: Psalm 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9
Gospel: John 3:16-21
Rosary: Glorious Mysteries
1. Resurrection
2. Ascension
3. Descent of the Holy Spirit
4. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5. Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary