Published on: December 17th, 2012 — 1:08 AM / OBS: North America
music by: Josh Garrels, Nathan Johnson & The Cinematic Underground, The Album Leaf
Although she could not receive the Eucharist at her Catholic high school’s Masses, she told her peers that someday I want to receive Him, body and blood, soul and divinity. Before making the leap to attend college at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Shaina made the courageous step to become Catholic first. When sharing her story, one discovers the wisdom and providence in her decision due to the cultural pressures awaiting all college students in Boulder; which unfortunately sway many students away from their foundations upon which they, and their families, have built their lives.
After four amazing years at the University of Colorado, where the St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center invited her in with loving arms, Shaina decided after graduating that it was time to serve Christ through the lens of inner city Denver, specifically with the homeless. She found her hope and strength to live out the Catholic faith with conviction with a young apostolate in Denver known as Christ in the City, led by Yvonne Noggle. It was a year of service, prayer, and human formation that launched Shaina to a new level of intimacy with Christ. Watch the story from today and you will see Shaina in action for Christ; simply going about her day with purpose, love, and prayer for all whom she encounters on the streets or in the shelters.
Learn more about Christ in the City by clicking on their logo above. Contributor - Seth James DeMoor
@SethJamesDeMoor — 303.709.3804
First: Genesis 49:2, 8-10
Psalm: Psalm 72:1-2, 3-4ab, 7-8, 17
Gospel: Matthew 1:1-17
1. Annunciation
2. Visitation
3. Nativity
4. Presentation
5. Finding Jesus in the Temple
Wonderful filming and a blessed message for all. As we quickly approach our Christmas season so much can be done to make someones day that much brighter…
Great Story! It is my new year’s resolution from now on, to post all OBS stories on my social network profiles
not only stories from the Philippines but from the mother website too!
I’d say “Shainaleh…ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GOURD?!?”…but since it doesn’t sound like you’re halachically Jewish, and I’m Catholic…kol hakavod!