A Journey from the Head to the Heart, part I
The interior versus exterior questions of life, the infamous journey from the head to the heart, one of the longest journeys one will ever take according to Mother Teresa. Trying to overcome the spiritual rut that many Catholics will encounter along the path of their personal journey, or story if you will, rests at the center fold of this gentleman’s testimony from Ireland. When broken, where does he turn? The better question, where will we turn?
Today’s Story
Eventually, depression crept in to this man’s life, making that journey from the head to the heart an arduous task; not to mention an encounter with a family member’s bout with cancer. For years, his remedy was alcohol, even when he was a young teenager, and eventual resident in America for three years. The willingness of this man to open up the darker secrets of his story is a rare encounter this day in age. Many people are afraid to reveal the sins of one’s past. Not this man, not even close, he opens up the inner workings of his soul for every viewer’s spiritual and human benefit.
If you know of some inner wisdom to share with fellow Catholics of the world on the topic of alcoholism, our team invites you to share them below in the comment section. Lastly, Pope Benedict has a lot going on in his leadership of the 1.2 billion member family, click on the Vatican logo to the left to watch his day’s activities.
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Yesterday’s Story
Readings for December 28th 2011
First: 1 John 1:5-2:2
Psalm: Psalm 124:2-3, 4-5, 7cd-8
Gospel: Matthew 2:13-18
Feast: Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs
Rosary: Glorious Mysteries
1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Alcoholism:On returning home last Wednesday early in the morning,I was listening to the EWTN Radio-Women of Grace program.One caller related how she would often take a job as a maid with a household where the women were wealthy and did not have to work outside the home.The lack of human contact outside of the home which a job would provide was missing and apparently the support of having loving members of an extended family nearby was also lacking.These women would manage 24/7 hours of loneliness with alcohol.Inevitably this abuse would make them abusive and she would end up fired.When she worked for teachers ,nurses,etc.they would rave about the excellence of her service.She was seeking ways to help the former group.One solution woud be for a dedicated group of nuns to volunteer their services in the home and their spiritual presence would allow God’s graces to return these women to the love of God and prayer and away from alcohol and drugs similar to the help that the Salvation Army provides to the homeless and those not being helped by society.