Category: W

Archdiocese of Denver remains steadfast with ongoing growth of Priesthood

20th May

filmed & edited by: Jon Ervin, Jake Machado, Seth James DeMoor

Published on: 20th May 2014 — 12:43 PM / OBS: North America


Denver, the Mile High City, Receives Seven Men to Christ’s Priesthood at Cathedral on Colfax Avenue

20th May

‘…I Will Make You Fishers of Men’
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver ordains seven men to the Catholic priesthood

Published on: May 20th 2013 — 10:09 AM / OBS: North America

music by: St. John Vianney Theological Seminary - Denver, CO

DENVER, CO, USA — Twenty years after World Youth Day 1993 in Denver, vocations to the priesthood in the Mile High City are on the rise. Strong evidence for the infusion of the Holy Spirit’s work in northern Colorado was on display at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception this past Saturday, as seven men laid down their life in service to Christ’s priesthood. Through God’s grace, and these men’s “YES” to Christ’s call, the Archdiocese of Denver received a huge boost of ‘ardor’ for the future work of the Church and the New Evangelization.

Seth … Read More »

Fr. Matt Williams Encounters Stories and… (III)

16th January

Sometimes you hear a story on this website and your jaw may end up on the floor. You wonder how on earth did this event transpire?

Fr. Matt Williams Encounters Stories and… (II)

16th December

Today’s story is the second installment of Fr. Matt Williams’ reversion to the Catholic Faith. Despite years of Catholic schools, the personal relationship with Catholicism never really took root during his youth. A trip to Medjugorie fixed that in 1994, which you heard about last week. But now, his second journey to Bosnia and Medjugorie leads Fr. Matt Williams to even bigger questions than, ‘do I really have to go to confession?’ The question of discernment is on the horizon for this Catholic seeker of truth.

Fr. Matt Williams Encounters Stories and…

8th December

December 8th 2011 ~ It’s fitting that on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary that today’s story is an encounter with Mary, stories, and the healing Sacrament of confession. May God be humbly praised through Fr. Matt Williams courage and witness to the ‘digital continent.’ Hail Mary…

Rolling Stone(s) in Mexico

11th May

Part I of II from a man who sought truth through humanity in Mexico. Listen to his experience of service, survival, and devotion to seeking truth today on
(Part II is below)

• Wednesday, May 11 2011
• Acts 8:1b-8/John 6:35-40 (275)
• Easter Weekday

• Glorious Mysteries - Rosary
(Wednesdays and Sundays)
1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St. Mary’s - College Station, TX

11th November

In College Station Texas, I happened upon two incredibly joyful young ladies who want the world to know that GREAT things are happening at St. Mary’s at Texas A&M!

Discernment & Vocation with Mark Westhoff in 2010

4th March

A short background on figuring out life’s small, and BIG questions, from the one and only Mark Westhoff of Boulder, Colorado; and Lamar!

Reflections on the Lives of the Saints with Jason Wunsch

15th February

With a recent N’awlins victory in the books, it is only apropos to delve further into the importance of our true saints, even though the N’awlins Saints are Super Bowl Champions!

Too Legit to Quit with the Kung-Fu Catholic Part Two

28th January

The second installment of Sean Michael’s valley’s and now peaks with the Catholic faith. The Kung Fu Catholic is back on track, stay tuned for more inspiring stories from Tallahassee and Florida State University!

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