Category: Sacraments
Archdiocese of Denver remains steadfast with ongoing growth of Priesthood
20th May
filmed & edited by: Jon Ervin, Jake Machado, Seth James DeMoor
Published on: 20th May 2014 — 12:43 PM / OBS: North America
Saint John Paul II changed my name and he changed my life
28th April
produced & edited by: Annie & Al Palmquist
Solo Dios sabe como Grace fue elegido para representar el Movimiento de Vida Cristiana con un encuentro de movimientos católicos en Roma y en el mismo viaje ser confirmada por San Juan Pablo II. Se preparó con una Fraterna para su Confirmación en Lima, y fue de viaje a Roma. El Papa ya estaba un poco enfermo en este entonces, el domingo de Pentecostés del 1998, y fue posible que el Papa no iba a poder salir a celebrar la Misa en la plaza si estuviera lloviendo. Hasta la misma mañana de su Confirmación no sabía si iba a ser el Papa quién la iba a confirmar. Al final, fue un día soleado, y el Papa sí pudo salir en la plaza para celebrar la Misa y dar los Sacramentos … Read More »
Denver, the Mile High City, Receives Seven Men to Christ’s Priesthood at Cathedral on Colfax Avenue
20th May
‘…I Will Make You Fishers of Men’
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver ordains seven men to the Catholic priesthood
Published on: May 20th 2013 — 10:09 AM / OBS: North America
music by: St. John Vianney Theological Seminary - Denver, CO
DENVER, CO, USA — Twenty years after World Youth Day 1993 in Denver, vocations to the priesthood in the Mile High City are on the rise. Strong evidence for the infusion of the Holy Spirit’s work in northern Colorado was on display at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception this past Saturday, as seven men laid down their life in service to Christ’s priesthood. Through God’s grace, and these men’s “YES” to Christ’s call, the Archdiocese of Denver received a huge boost of ‘ardor’ for the future work of the Church and the New Evangelization.
Seth … Read More »
Sacrament of Baptism for Giovanni Paolo Amador Guizar, First Son of Hugo & Karla
14th February
Baptismal Celebration for Giovanni Paolo
“Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission”
Published on: February 13th, 2013 — 11:42 PM / OBS: North America
DENVER, CO, USA — Through this Sacrament of the Church, Giovanni Paolo was able to open the doorway to a life in Christ. The waters at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Denver freed Giovanni, enabling him to pursue and encounter the other Sacraments within the Catholic faith. By baptizing, which literally means plunging, Hugo & Karla’s baby boy can now participate in the redemptive resurrection of Jesus Christ as a new creature. (more below)
Seth J. DeMoor
Founder & Video Missionary, USA
music by: Marian Grace
Fr. Benito A. Hernández, … Read More »
Perpetual Promises of Full Apostolic Availability of Ricardo Simmonds, S.C.V.
4th February
Sodalitium Christianae Vitae Perpetual Promises
“I, Ricardo Simmonds, commit myself before God and the Sodalit community, and invite myself to keep for all the days of my life, obedience and celibacy.”
Published on: February 4th, 2013 — 1:42 PM / OBS: North America
DENVER, CO, USA — A few words must be said at the outset to set up today’s video from Holy Name Parish in the Archdiocese of Denver. It begins with Ricardo Simmonds’ quest for happiness after high school, first through the reading and study of philosophy and new age spirituality. Through that dialogue with ancient texts, Ricardo came to the conclusion that in the world there was this concept of God, or something greater than himself. He realized that pursuing this transcendent person and finding him was the only life pursuit in this world that would make … Read More »
Ordination to Holy Orders in Denver Colorado Answers Christ’s Call
25th June
DENVER, CO, USA — Ordination to the Priesthood in Denver Colorado comes once a year for the Mile High City. Thankfully, in 2012, four men answered the call of Christ to lay down their lives for the mission of Holy Mother Church. Specifically, two men were ordained to the Priesthood for the Archdiocese of Denver. Their ordination comes at a time when many young men have begun to discern and consider the call that God is placing in their hearts. May many more say yes to His mission. God be praised, now and forever.
Seth J. DeMoor
Founder & Video Missionary in USA
Atheism, the Radical Left, and Pursuing Truth, part II
4th January
Beauty pierces the heart of an atheist in today’s Catholic story from Colorado. The denial of God may arise in some hearts, until one day they encounter the resonation of truth through beauty.
Same-Sex Attraction & Courage
28th April
A brother from Florida shares his story of overcoming same-sex attraction through the aide of an apostolate called Courage. He also shares about the spiritual power of the Sacraments in his life, share your comments below, we look forward to a dialogue. Learn more about Courage at
Living the Sacraments
8th April
College students at Florida State University in today’s world are living the sacraments daily, and with passion.
Confession Forty Years Later
1st March
A loved one’s invitation to the healing power of confession. A Sacrament within the Church that is impacting people’s testimonies all around the world. Are you ready to return to the Sacrament of confession?