Filters: All rio de janeiro brazil 2013 world youth day
Después de trabajar en 2 favelas de Rio por la tarde, fuimos al lanzamiento del logo para la JMJ 2013 en Rio...
After working in 2 of Rio’s favelas for the afternoon, we were invited to (thank you to our friends in Rio’s Christian...
En Rio de Janeiro hablamos con Marcele, una miembra del Movimiento de la Vida Cristiana en Brasil sobre su experiencia en la...
This Vlog break out row collects and shares the most recent video blogs from our Video Missionaries around the world.
We are in Santiago, Chile! The weather here is sunny and warm, and the mountains are beautiful (when you can see them...
Mendoza, Argentina is in western Argentina right next to the Andes mountain range. The land is very fertile and perfect for growing...
Happy Easter from central Argentina! We are in Villa Santa Rosa de Rio Primero, an hour north of Córdoba, Argentina. We have...