Tag: Alcohol
Raquel Kato’s 21st Birthday Party Changed LIFE Forever
15th April
I was that Girl that Could Not Say No
‘God pierced my soul when I was all alone, wandering in the darkness’
Published on: April 15th, 2013 — 11:19 AM / OBS: North America
GREELEY, CO, USA — Her world was turned upside down. She was single. Alone. Afraid. Her 21st birthday party led to trying moments, in the middle of college. Abusing alcohol led to decisions, choices, defining life moments, and eventually a little life inside of her; a little baby girl moving, breathing, and learning the love of this world through the womb of her mother. A place, the womb of a mother, which was once considered the safest place on earth for babies. (more below)
music by: David Thies, The Album Leaf, As Colorful as Ever / filmed by: Jon Ervin, Seth James DeMoor / edited by: … Read More »
Una charla sobre la decadencia moral del Padre Miguel Manzanero
21st February
El Padre Miguel Manzanera es un sacerdote de Bilbao, España pero hace más que 30 años está viviendo en Bolivia. Trabaja por el Arzobispado de Cochabamba y es el vicario judicial para el tribunal eclesiastico de Bolivia. También trabaja en la Universidad Católica Boliviana como director del Departamento de Bioética. Además, es dentro del Apostolado de la Nueva Evangelización Pro Vida. Con toda esta experiencia con bioética y pro vida, el padre nos compartió una charla interesante sobre la decadencia moral en los paises desarollados e incluso estamos viendo los efectos de eso en los paises latinoamericanos. Es una lucha sumamente importante que no empezamos a aceptar que las cosas que nuestra cultura hoy en día acepta como normal. El aborto, la homosexualidad, el divorcio, los anticonceptivos, el alcohol, las drogas, el uso de la sexualidad humana de temprana edad … Read More »
100 mph Crash. Call the Godfather
6th February
A teen searching for happiness is the center of this story.
Atheism, the Radical Left, and Pursuing Truth, part II
4th January
Beauty pierces the heart of an atheist in today’s Catholic story from Colorado. The denial of God may arise in some hearts, until one day they encounter the resonation of truth through beauty.
Atheism, the Radical Left, and Pursuing Truth
30th December
‘Faith without works is dead.’ Today’s story sheds light on this reality.
Methodist Convert, Drugs No More
10th October
October 10th 2011 ~ Today we hear a Catholic story that did not start off Catholic. And once his story became Catholic, he still slipped away into the grey area of faith. Despite hiccups and hurdles for living out the faith daily, he managed to find his way to St. Paul, Minnesotta from Fort Worth, Texas, joining the NET Ministries team. Hear his full story next week as we bring you part two. And don’t forget to check out www.netusa.org.
Drugs, Alcohol, &…
28th July
July 28th 2011 ~ To seek truth, or not to seek truth, that is the question. May we all have the courage to share our stories with the same conviction of this man, whom you’re about to hear on OneBillionStories.com