Welcome EWTN Viewers
March 4, 2011 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories, Personal Testimonies
Readings for March 4, 2011
Sirach 44:1, 9-13/Mark 11:11-26 Saint Casimir
music by: David Thies - www.davidthiesmusic.com
See more great Catholic content at www.EWTN.com
Bishop Sheridan’s Favorite Saints
February 18, 2011 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories, Personal Testimonies, Saints
music by David Thies: www.davidthiesmusic.com
Button below can be used with 1 click to share this story with twitter & facebook. Thanks ahead of time for helping evangelize the ‘digital continent.’
Christ in the City (survey too)
December 2, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories
Survey: click here
music by: Gladiator Soundtrack
Our Day of Rest… 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 14, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories, Our Day of Rest...
Recorded Lecture (coming soon): ‘Pardon me ma’am, but would you like to die?…’
November 10, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories
Next Lecture: www.thomascenter.org
Live Lecture Air Time
6 p.m. PST
7 p.m. MST *
8 p.m. CST
9 p.m. EST
AICT Lecture Recording: ‘Desperate Desire’
October 18, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center: www.thomascenter.org
Bearfoot for Babies (.org) II
September 21, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories
Take action at: www.bearfootforbabies.org
Prayer & Action - Day 1
July 26, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories
Our Day of Rest…
May 22, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories, Our Day of Rest...
Buuueena Vista, CO!!!!!!
May 16, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories, Personal Testimonies
My home!
*Gotta love how Vimeo chooses automatically when to take the still photo for the opening shot to the left, I have no control over that! It was windy out, and no I did not get caught with a fishing hook!