Christian Life Movement
March 12, 2011 by
Filed under Apostolates, Featured, One Billion Stories, Religious Orders, Testimonies
Christian Life Movement:
A new lay movement from Peru that is making strides to win souls for Christ and the Catholic Church in the United States.
Purity on a College Campus (II)
October 26, 2010 by
Filed under Featured, One Billion Stories, Testimonies
Part I: Purity on a College Campus (I)
God’s Will Through Listening - Part II
August 20, 2010 by
Filed under Discernment, One Billion Stories, Testimonies
The JPII Impact with seminarians across the country.
God’s Will Through Listening - Part I
August 18, 2010 by
Filed under Discernment, Featured, One Billion Stories, Testimonies