Hearts Afire at Second Grand Eucharistic Adoration in the Philippines

The Grand Eucharistic (GEA) is an event of the Don Bosco Days with the Lord Movement’s response to the call for New Evangelization. More than an event, it is really an encounter with ‘heaven on earth,’ even if just for a short while. The video above shows the uniting of brothers and sisters in faith from all across the Philippines, to celebrate the presence of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Photo credit: Don Bosco Days with the Lord Movement

  • Finnian / Brother

    How inspiring! Thank you OBS for bringing us this beautiful testimony. The account of seeking a tangible way of giving expression to reaching out to touch Jesus is truly touching. These stories deserve to be told around the world whether they originate in the USA, the Philippines or Europe; such stories build up the body of Christ and give encouragement to young and old. God bless you. Please continue to involve the young people and even as the young grow older (young adults) draw in the next generation. The OBS is a great blessing on the world.

  • http://www.OneBillionStories.com/ OneBillionStories.com

    Thank you Finnian for watching and sharing your thoughts! I agree, this event is very inspiring, perhaps it should travel to Ireland next : )
    Blessings to you! And just so you know, I’m going on another bike ride everyone.