In a shantytown of Lima, Peru, Kelsey Teran shares why she is now so happy to be Catholic after a profound experience of service. Her brother Alan lives in Lima, as he is in formation to become a Sodalit with the Sodalitium Christiane Vitae (Christian Life Movement). When she was invited to go down on a mission trip with the Christian Life Movement, she could not pass up the opportunity to have a taste of what her brother is experiencing on a regular basis in Peru. Though Kelsey was raised Catholic, she fell away from the faith during college when she was immersed in a religious studies major at the University of Colorado. But during her last semester of college, she went on a retreat and saw a skit where Jesus consoles a broken and disheartened girl, and then breathes life into her and begins to lead her toward true happiness. Seeing this made so much sense to her that she could no longer deny the truth that Jesus is the one who is leading us, if we would only allow him to lead us to God.
Kelsey, I am so touched by your beautiful story and beautiful heart. What a wonderful opportunity for you to be there with Alan. Love you and love your family.
Cindy Jacobsen McWhorter
Kelsey, I know this is only the beginning of the light of Christ you spread across the world.
Another beautiful Christ centered witness and love is the key…the love that we can share with those around us and trying to always use the gospel message as our guide…
Kelsey, looking at you, and listening to you—it’s your mother! What a journey for you and your family. You have all touched so many. Thank you.