
Tag: Lima

No hay límites para amar

6th August

Mientras en Lima, Perú, visitamos a un colegio se llama La Alegría en el Señor. Es un colegio para niños con discapacitad física con inteligencia normal. La Hermana Elizabeth es una Sierva del Plan de Dios, un grupo de consagradas vinculada con el Movimiento de Vida Cristiana o el Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana. Ella es Colombiana, pero vive en Lima, Perú. Nos explica sobre una alumna del colegio, Kaiko, quien ha profundizado su fé a través de varios años en el colegio. A los 7 años Kaiko surgió la idea de que quería ser bautizada. Hizo su bautismo y su primera comunión a pesar de que sus padres no son católicos y no estaban de acuerdo con ella. Es muy difícil para Kaiko porque en el colegio puede vivir plenamente su fé, pero en su casa no puede. La Hermana … Read More »

Why I Came Home to My Catholic Roots in College

17th July

In a shantytown of Lima, Peru, Kelsey Teran shares why she is now so happy to be Catholic after a profound experience of service. Her brother Alan lives in Lima, as he is in formation to become a Sodalit with the Sodalitium Christiane Vitae (Christian Life Movement). When she was invited to go down on a mission trip with the Christian Life Movement, she could not pass up the opportunity to have a taste of what her brother is experiencing on a regular basis in Peru. Though Kelsey was raised Catholic, she fell away from the faith during college when she was immersed in a religious studies major at the University of Colorado. But during her last semester of college, she went on a retreat and saw a skit where Jesus consoles a broken and disheartened girl, and then breathes … Read More »

Ricardo Simmonds Traveled the World for a Year in Hopes of Finding God

14th June

Growing up in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Ricardo felt unfulfilled with his life. After completing high school he decided to buy a special plane ticket that allowed him to travel the world traveling in one single direction for a year. He began in India, then went throughout Asia and the South Pacific in search of God or some greater meaning in his life. He studied with gurus, explored Buddhism and Hinduism, and tried to find happiness in surfing in lost islands in the South Pacific. At the end of the trip, he was saddened because he found many good people, but did not find God, the reason for his travels. He went to college for a year in the US (his father is American) and was given the opportunity to go to Peru on a missionary trip to build a park … Read More »

College Students Encounter Truth Through Missionary Work in Peru

7th June

A group of college students from University of Colorado at Boulder came to Peru for 2 weeks to help the poor in the outskirts of Lima. The area called Los Rosales is a very new area where the very poor have stettled but have very limited water and almost no electricity. The streets are dusty, and right in the middle of the community are pig stalls where they feed the pigs with garbage. The smell of the pigs, garbage, and the sound of squealing pigs surrounds you. The group of college students are laying cement stairways that go up the hill in hopes to begin to develop the area so the government will recognize them as a settled area in need of aid. Hear the experiences of two students on the missionary trip and also Ricardo, the Sodalit that is … Read More »

Trabajo de Pro Vida en Lima

21st May

En un barrio pobre de Lima, San Juan de Miraflores, la clinica católica Santa María de la Vida ayuda a muchas mamás que tienen un embarazo inesperado. Hay entre 30 y 40 nacimientos en esta clinica mensual, y apoyan a las mamás llevar a cabo sus embarazos. Aqui una mamá puede dar a luz por un costo mucho más económico que lo normal y también recibe ayuda para su bebe en los primeros 5 años de su vida. Muy buen trabajo a todos la gente de esta clinica. Es una obra de Solidaridad en Marcha, una ONG del Movimiento de Vida Cristiana.

The Cuisine of Lima Peru - Vlog # 33

Posted by in Annie & Al, English Vlogs, Video Missionaries, Vlogs. No Comments

21st May

Scenes from Lima, Peru to show you a bit of the culture. And also a look at one of Peru’s best foods, Pollo a la Brasa which is a roasted chicken with a special sauce.

Serving the Poor in Lima - Vlog # 32

Posted by in Annie & Al, English Vlogs, Video Missionaries, Vlogs. No Comments

21st May

In the outskirts of Lima, Peru we went to the shantytown of La Pamplona. It is a new community that has no running water, and very limited electricity. There are more than 1 million people living here and in the surrounding areas, all living in extreme poverty. The Christian Life Movement regularly sends missionary groups here to build stairways, build childcare centers, chapels, and give Catechesis classes. Their non-profit organization is called Solidarity in March.

Catholic News Agency, Lima Peru - Vlog # 31

Posted by in Annie & Al, English Vlogs, Video Missionaries, Vlogs. No Comments

21st May

Lima, Perú - Vlog # 29

Posted by in Annie & Al, Video Missionaries, Vlog en Espanol. No Comments

21st May

Una vista desde Callao, el puerto de Lima, Perú. De allí te mostramos pollo a la brasa, un plato típico peruano que es riquísimo.

ACI Prensa - Vlog # 28

Posted by in Annie & Al, Video Missionaries, Vlog en Espanol. No Comments

21st May

Empezamos el día de visita a ACI Prensa, una agencia que también, como UBH, intenta llevar la fé católica al ciberespacio. Estábamos esperando hacer una entrevista o dos, pero ademas que eso teníamos que tomar un poco de nuestro propio veneno. ACI Prensa grabó una entrevista de nosotros hablando sobre la misión de UBH, y va a estrenar en el noticiero de EWTN en español en un par de semanas. Luego en el día fuimos a un museo de arte religioso, que tiene pinturas, esculturas, y una sala entera de plata y oro. Terminamos el día con un suspiro hondo.

Vlog Breakout Row:

Carmelite Vocations Growing in Tanzania: Vlog # 4

Do you ever feel adrift in the world around you? Do you ever wonder what is my purpose, what is my mission? The vlog...