Category: B
Denver, the Mile High City, Receives Seven Men to Christ’s Priesthood at Cathedral on Colfax Avenue
20th May
‘…I Will Make You Fishers of Men’
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver ordains seven men to the Catholic priesthood
Published on: May 20th 2013 — 10:09 AM / OBS: North America
music by: St. John Vianney Theological Seminary - Denver, CO
DENVER, CO, USA — Twenty years after World Youth Day 1993 in Denver, vocations to the priesthood in the Mile High City are on the rise. Strong evidence for the infusion of the Holy Spirit’s work in northern Colorado was on display at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception this past Saturday, as seven men laid down their life in service to Christ’s priesthood. Through God’s grace, and these men’s “YES” to Christ’s call, the Archdiocese of Denver received a huge boost of ‘ardor’ for the future work of the Church and the New Evangelization.
Seth … Read More »
What does it Mean to be a Catholic in Canada?
24th February
Canada is a “salad bowl” of cultures, and political correctness
“As a Catholic, I came out of Catholic high school barely knowing anything about my Catholic faith.”
Published on: February 25th, 2013 — 10:28 PM / OBS: SOUTH AMERICA
LIMA, PERU — What does it mean to be a Canadian Catholic? In a country that is proud to be a “salad bowl” of cultures, religions and traditions, it is becoming more and more difficult for Catholics to speak the truth. Megan Blair shares her story of growing up in Oshawa, Ontario, which is just outside of Toronto. She attended a Catholic school her whole life, but her faith formation was weak and the teachers and administrators were always walking on tip toes trying not to say or do anything that would offend others. (read more below)
Annie & Al Palmquist
Video Missionaries in … Read More »
A Presbyterian Questions Total Depravity which Leads to Theology of the Body and Catholicism, part three
28th January
The final installment of Miriam Braswell’s inspiring journey from the Presbyterian faith to Catholicism. Discovering truth is an adventure, and Miriam can attest to the excitement and joy that comes with life’s most important journey, home to the Catholic faith.
College Students Encounter Truth Through Missionary Work in Peru
7th June
A group of college students from University of Colorado at Boulder came to Peru for 2 weeks to help the poor in the outskirts of Lima. The area called Los Rosales is a very new area where the very poor have stettled but have very limited water and almost no electricity. The streets are dusty, and right in the middle of the community are pig stalls where they feed the pigs with garbage. The smell of the pigs, garbage, and the sound of squealing pigs surrounds you. The group of college students are laying cement stairways that go up the hill in hopes to begin to develop the area so the government will recognize them as a settled area in need of aid. Hear the experiences of two students on the missionary trip and also Ricardo, the Sodalit that is … Read More »
Mega church to Catholic Church, part II
2nd November
November 2nd 2011 ~ Catholics Come Home, it is just that simple. That is the test we face in 2011, convincing others that the Catholic faith is not only worth going to mass on Sunday for, but is worth dying for. Are we ready for that task? Today, Tony shares why he was ready to go ALL IN for Catholicism, are you ready? Share your Catholic story at Till next time.
Mega church to Catholic Church, part I
26th October
October 26th 2011 ~ Is there something missing your life? Perhaps you will be able to relate to this man, Tony from Wisconsin, who lays out the cards of faith and decides that the experience of a mega church was not the end all of his walk with Christ. Perhaps you’ve had an experience at a mega church? What was that like? Did questions ever arise on the orthodoxy of the experience? Share your story with by e-mailing [email protected]
A Presbyterian Questions Total Depravity which Leads to Theology of the Body and Catholicism, part two
23rd March
The second installment of a college student’s journey to the Catholic Church and the influence of Theology of the Body on this generation.
A Presbyterian Questions Total Depravity which Leads to Theology of the Body and Catholicism, part one
21st March
So do we have free will…? The first of many questions that eventually…
Coming Home take 2 at the University of Florida
18th January
At the University of Florida, the first university visited along the pilgrimage path from Florida to Colorado, OBS encountered a passionate young man who had a full circle story to share. From Catholicism to the new age movement, to Fundamentalist Christianity, and…Take a listen to Stephen Bennet part 2 today on the ‘digital continent.’
Coming Home take 1 at the University of Florida
18th January
Stephen Bennett shares at the University of Florida his amazing journey away from Catholicism, and back again. Be sure to check out part II by clicking here.