100 mph Crash. Call the Godfather

A teen searching for happiness is the center of this story. Eventually, a double life style came into full effect in this man’s life. Which led to judgement from others, and a rebellion against any and all Christians. Sound familiar to someone in your life? In the 21st century, this story is too common. Something must be done to turn back the tide of: 1) searching for happiness and fulfillment as a youth 2) seeking fulfillment in drinking or drugs 3) being judged by others rather than loved 4) skidding to a painful dead end 5) finding piece back in the Catholic faith. This vicious cycle continues to appear on this website. Steps 2, 3, and 4 do not have to happen in our opinion, not even close. Young people can pilgrimage through life from step 1 to 5 by staying close to the Sacraments; as a friend once said, simply be Catholic. God willing, the number of testimonies similar to this one will continue to decrease in the coming years.