Skip Rodgers - Ride for Hope and Mercy
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Skip Rodgers is a man on a mission: to raise awareness about the Christian genocide happening right now in the Middle East. As we have all seen in the news over the past 24 months, the situation in the Middle East has deteriorated quickly. The march against Christianity and it’s ancient roots in the greater area has spread rapidly. The cries of our brothers and sisters are not being answered by the larger global community. But rather than sit on the sidelines and complain about it, Skip Rodgers has taken the situation into his own hands. He is pedaling across the United States of America to raise awareness about the genocide happening before our very eyes. He is taking a stand, and he invites all of you watching this video to take a stand with him.
The “Ride for Hope and Mercy” should spread far and wide within the greater Christian communities across the United States. Please spread this video to your family and friends. The cries of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East must be heard. Let us unite with them through Skip Rodger’s inspiring, challenging, and sacrificial bike ride across the country.
Support Skip’s ride at the link above. Donations are being accepted to directly support Christians in Lebanon whom are fleeing Syria and Iraq.